Journal Information

Journal title    Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society

Abbreviation of title    JKor. Data Anal. Soc.

Publisher    The Korean Data Analysis Society

Journal launch year    1998

Abstracting and indexing    KCI (Korea Citation Index), Google Scholar

ISSN    1229-2354

The frequency of publication    Bimonthly

Publication Managing    Sangtae Han (President, KDAS)

Copyright    The Korean Data Analysis Society (KDAS)

Journal Office    76, Banpo-daero 24-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 06650.

 Tel: +82-2-6674-0709 



Aims and Scope

The objective of this journal is to promote and advance the fields of data science and statistics by publishing original research papers, including General Study Papers and Case Study Papers. General Study Papers primarily concentrate on academic theoretical research and innovative applied research in statistical data analysis, whereas Case Study Papers emphasize practical applied research and real-life case studies related to statistical data analysis. All submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer review process, and articles are evaluated based on their technical novelty, clarity of presentation, and importance of the findings.