Guidelines to Authors for Manuscript Submission
The manuscript for the Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society shall be prepared in accordance with these guidelines for manuscript submission. Generally, all authors should be members of the KDAS. However, non-members who are co-authors or invited contributors may be exempt from this requirement. Once the paper manuscript has been prepared following the JKDAS template, it must be registered and submitted via the JKDAS website using the On-line Paper Review System.
Transactions Template [Download-korean (.hwp)] / [Download-english (.hwp)]
The maximum allowable length for the paper is 20 pages.
The authors are responsible for all the descriptive content of the paper and must complete the copyright transfer agreement for the paper, which should be submitted to JKDAS.
Copyright Transfer Agreement [Download ( .hwp)]
1. Join as a member.
2. Access to the online submission system.
3. Click Author tab.
4. Click the New Paper Submission tab.
5. Step 1 : Write basic information.
6. Step 2 : Write author information.
7. Step 3 : Attach manuscript.
8. Review process.
9. Copyright transfer and paper similarity test.
10. Review completed.
※ Estimated schedule for review: 1st review (including reviewer assignment): 15 days, All procedures starting from the 2nd review: 10 days.